
Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue

There can be no doubt after Trump’s bizarre press conference with the Romanian President yesterday, that the lunatics are running the asylum.  The only question is, when will enough honest and honorable Republicans admit this, take steps to end our national nightmare, and free the nation and the world from Trump’s paranoid and delusional roller coaster ride?

The day after James Comey testified under oath that Trump demanded his loyalty, asked him to stop investigating Michael Flynn, and lied about the reason for Comey’s firing, Trump came out and called Comey a liar and said he would repeat his claims under oath.   Hmmm who should we believe, the career boy scout or the pathological and delusional liar?

Under Trump’s view, fed by Stephen Bannon and Corey Lewandowski, among others, Comey was part of the so-called “deep state,” you know, the secret group of intelligence officers that really run the country.  Yes Trump’s mind is under the control of the alt-right lunatic fringe.  Trump is mysteriously not bothered in the least by Russia’s cyber attacks on our country.  For someone who repeatedly claims there was no collusion with the Russians,  everything he and his administration does makes them all look guilty.  The smoke is so thick we can’t breathe.  We will find the fire.

Honest and honorable Republicans, like Joe Scarborough, Nicole Wallace, Elise Jordan, Rick Wilson, Charlie Sykes, and many others, are willing to publicly state that the president is unhinged.  When will Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell?


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